Senior Resources
Connect With The Elderly Services Program

Elderly Services Program
The Elderly Services Program (ESP) helps older adults remain safe and independent in their homes by providing home care services such as homemaking, personal care, meals, transportation and more. For over 25 years, ESP has provided home-based services that can assist with age-related challenges and help to ensure continued independence. ESP is funded by a countywide tax levy and is administered by the Council on Aging of Southwestern Ohio. LifeSpan proudly provides Care Management, Intake and Referrals for the Butler County Elderly Services Program.
Effective February 1, 2024, the Butler County Elderly Services Program is under Managed Enrollment. Eligibility requirements have changed for those enrolling in the Elderly Services Program due to workforce shortages and rising costs of services. Please review the new eligibility requirements before applying.
What We Offer
ESP Services
Home Care & Assistance
Care Management: A Professional Care Manager coordinates your services and monitors your care.
Home Care Assistance: A trained aide helps with housekeeping, personal care, and other daily activities and provides respite for the primary caregiver.·
Consumer Directed Care: Allows you to hire a friend or family member to provide home care services — eligibility determined by the ESP care manager.
Independent Living Assistance: Help with benefit applications and organizing personal and household records.
Home-delivered meals. Fresh meals delivered to you by the Meals of Wheels Butler County team.
Adult Day Service
Structured programs provide a secure, stimulating environment and respite for caregivers. Transportation may be available.
Mental Health Services
Feelings of depression and anxiety make it harder to remain independent. A counselor can meet with you in your home to help you regain a more positive outlook and sense of well-being.
Services & Equipment
Electronic Monitoring System: 24-hour, in-home monitoring systems that provide safety and/or medication alerts.
Environmental Services: Pest control, major housecleaning, and waste removal.
Home Modifications and Repairs: Minor repairs and safety upgrades include ramps, grab bars and deadbolt locks.
Medical Equipment: Health or safety-related equipment such as a bath bench, cane, walker, or other equipment not covered by your health insurance plan
Transportation: To routine medical and other appointments
ESP Eligibility Information
Effective February 1, 2024, Butler County ESP is under Managed Enrollment. The following individuals age 60+ are eligible:
- Cancer patients actively receiving treatment (chemotherapy, radiation, immunotherapy, infusions, etc.)
- Dialysis patients
- Individuals enrolled in Hospice (full Hospice or Palliative Care)
- Individuals active with Adult Protective Services
- Emergency need for home delivered meals
- Individuals who received in-home care through Medicaid but are no longer eligible for financial reasons or LOC change.
- Individuals discharging from a hospital or nursing home or skilled care within the last 7 days or a referral from Fast Track Home
- Transfers from other county Elderly Services Programs
Resources If You Are Not Eligible For ESP
Additional programs, services and resources may be available to you.
Community Resources, MEL Resource List, FAQs
How Do I Apply or Submit a Referral?
- Call (513) 868-9281 and answer the eligibility and screening questions OR fill out and submit the eligibility screenings form here.
- A Care Manager will schedule an in-home visit to verify your eligibility.
- If you qualify, your Care Manager will work with you and your family to arrange for the services that best meet your needs.
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