Colonial School Programs

teacher and student gardening and holding book

Preschool Program

What to Expect

Some children march through our doors on their first day of school bubbling over with excitement and nervous energy. Others are a bit more reluctant. Beginning preschool is a big step for parents and children, and we’re here to make the experience a great one for everyone!

We get to know our parents and children before the first day of school to help the transition go smoothly. In no time at all, our students immerse themselves in the routine of each unique school day. Throughout the school year, we communicate with parents through Class Dojo, Facebook and emails. Your teacher will personally keep you up-to-date on how your child is doing and learning.

We offer the following preschool classes:

  • Two-Day AM Preschool Class (Thursday & Friday)
  • Three-Day AM Preschool Class (Monday – Wednesday)
  • Three-Day PM Preschool Class (Monday – Wednesday)
  • Five-Day AM Preschool Class (Monday – Friday)

What We Learn

As we explore colors, numbers, letters, shapes and more, our students also will learn about the community through visitors. They will learn about giving back to their community through a variety of service projects, as well as interact with grand-friends as part of our intergenerational programming. Our comprehensive curriculum includes the following:

a child showing his stuffed animal to an elderly woman

Math & Science

Pre-reading Programs

Vocabulary Enrichments

Social Studies

Art & Music

Listening Skills

How To Enroll

  • In-house registration begins for our returning families on Jan. 13. Class placements will be determined by the order applications are received. 
  • Open registration to the public begins Jan. 28, and once classes are full, applicants will be placed on a waiting list. 
  • Class acceptance for the following school year will be announced by the third week of February. Teacher assignments are announced in August.
  • To enroll in our preschool programs, children must be 3-4 years of age and toilet trained. Children are admitted to Colonial School regardless of race, creed, color, sex, national origin or religion.
  • Michael J. Pollicita Scholarship Fund provides funds to help families of currently enrolled students who experience a temporary financial emergency with short-term scholarships so their children may continue their education at Colonial Schools. Please contact us for more information and to apply.

School Application

Children and teachers at Colonial School

Pre-K Program

What to Expect

With confidence and enthusiasm, our pre-kindergarten students start their school year with the understanding that each one will play an important role in making the school year a great one. They learn independence, problem-solving skills, teamwork and about making a positive difference in the lives of others. By building on all they have learned in preschool, pre-k students will focus on new academic skills that will best prepare them for kindergarten. Students will be learning letter sounds and reading skills, along with counting and foundational math skills. So much physical, emotional and academic growth occurs in this short year, and we are thrilled to experience each discovery and success with your child. Our students will participate in a variety of service projects and also will interact with grand-friends as part of our intergenerational programming.

Throughout the school year, we communicate with parents through Class Dojo, Facebook and emails. Your teacher will personally keep you up-to-date on how your child is doing and learning.

We offer the following Pre-K classes:

    • Three-Day Pre-K Class AM (Monday – Wednesday)
    • Three Day Pre-K Class PM (Monday – Wednesday)
    • Five Day Pre-Kindergarten Class AM (Monday – Friday)

What We Learn

As we explore colors, numbers, letters, shapes and more, our students also will learn about the community through visitors. They will learn about giving back to their community through a variety of service projects, as well as interact with grand-friends as part of our intergenerational programming. Our comprehensive curriculum includes the following:

Math & Science

Pre-reading Programs

Vocabulary Enrichments

Social Studies

Art & Music

Listening Skills

How To Enroll

  • In-house registration begins for our returning families on Jan. 13. Class placements will be determined by the order applications are received. 
  • Open registration to the public begins Jan. 28, and once classes are full, applicants will be placed on a waiting list. 
  • Class acceptance for the following school year will be announced by the third week of February. Teacher assignments are announced in August.
  • Children are admitted to Colonial School regardless of race, creed, color, sex, national origin or religion. 
  • Michael J. Pollicita Scholarship Fund provides funds to help families of currently enrolled students who experience a temporary financial emergency with short-term scholarships so their children may continue their education at Colonial Schools. Please contact us for more information and to apply.

School Application

Children at Colonial School

Extended Day Program

Extended Day instruction is available for students to coincide with their preschool or pre-K school schedule. We offer a half-day AM or PM schedule and full-day AM and PM schedule for two, three or five days a week. Extended day includes centers, regular school day scheduling, lunch, group time with additional centers, and additional play time.

Example full-day Extended Day schedule:

  • 6:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.: Extended Day, Centers
  • 8:30 a.m. – 11:55 a.m.: Regular school day in assigned classroom
  • 12 p.m.: Lunch
  • 12:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.: Extended Day, Centers, Nap/quiet time, Snack and Outside play (weather permitting)

How To Enroll

Please check the program option for which you would like to enroll in the following form. Space is limited and filled on a first come, first served basis.

School Year Extended Day Program

Summer Extended Day

Please check the program option for which you would like to enroll in the following form. Space is limited and filled on a first come, first served basis.

Summer Extended Day Program

Extracurricular Programs

Our extracurricular programs offer something for every child. Our programs provide learning to develop their minds and bodies in fun and exciting ways.


How To Enroll

Available Classes Include

Dance: Mondays, $65/session

This class is built to gain a love for dance, discover movement as a form of self-expression, master basic developmental skills, get comfortable with standard classroom etiquette and introduce musical awareness skills. Students will learn through repetition and imitation. Consistency in class structure provides an atmosphere that will give dancers a feeling of control and accomplishment. Other areas of focus will include body awareness, large & fine motor skills, coordination & balance skills, and group participation. This high-energy class teaches rhythm through age-appropriate movements set to fun, upbeat music.

Sessions available:

  • Session 1 | Sept. 11 – Oct. 16
  • Session 2 | Oct. 30 – Dec. 11
  • Session 3 | Jan. 8 – Feb. 26
  • Session 4 | March 4 – April 15

Sign up Now

Soccer Shots: Wednesdays, $65/session

Soccer is the most popular sport for boys and girls in America today and is an excellent source of physical activity and development of healthy habits. Through the activities and games we play, your child’s character and attitude will be challenged and molded positively as they are taught elements of teamwork, sharing, communication and respect. Not to mention, it’s a lot of fun!

Sessions available:

  • Session 1 | Sept. 13 – Oct. 18
  • Session 2 | Nov. 1 – Dec. 13
  • Session 3 | Jan. 10 – Feb. 21
  • Session 4 | March 6 – April 17

Sign up Now

Taekwondo: Tuesdays, $65/session

Taekwondo is the perfect martial arts class for preschool children. It combines fitness and focus, strength, coordination and self-discipline. Instructors from Hamilton Fairfield Taekwondo will assist children with kicks, punches and blocks. Children will feel a sense of achievement as they earn colored belts as they master additional skills.

Sessions available:

  • Session 1 | Sept. 12 – Oct. 17
  • Session 2 | Oct. 31 – Dec. 12
  • Session 3 | Jan. 9 – Feb. 20
  • Session 4 | March 5 – April 16

Sign up Now

Tumbling: Thursdays, $65/session

This class is specifically designed for a new tumbler who is just beginning their tumbling career! Children will be learning cartwheels, forward and backward rolls, bridges and basic skills. They will begin the class by stretching, followed by a short warm up that introduces them to the body positions they will be using throughout the class. Basic tumbling skills teaches flexibility, coordination and strength, and builds self-esteem! Gold medal, here we come!

Sessions available:

  • Session 1 | Sept. 14 – Oct. 19
  • Session 2 | Nov. 2– Dec. 14
  • Session 3 | Jan. 11 – Feb. 22
  • Session 4 | March 7 – April 18

Sign up Now

Summer Camps

Spend the summer with us! Our weekly themed camps are educational and entertaining to keep your children engaged and active. Camps are from 9 a.m. to noon and are designed for children ages 3-7. Students of Colonial School and non-students are welcome.

How To Enroll

Summer camps occur weekly, and sessions must be signed up individually. Spaces are first come, first served. Camp schedule and application to be posted when available.

Send completed Summer Camp Applications to Susan via email at

Contact Colonial Preschool

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