Contact Us

We Want to Hear from You!

Community First Solutions is a not-for-profit network based out of Butler County, Ohio that provides a wide variety of health and wellness services for all ages. To contact us, please fill out the form or find phone numbers and addresses below the form. If you are unsure who to call, feel free to call our corporate office at 513-466-8400 and we will be happy to assist you.

Our Services

Senior Living

Berkeley Square

100 Berkeley Dr
Hamilton, OH 45013

(513) 856-8600


855 Stahlheber Rd
Hamilton, OH 45013

(513) 844-8004

Montage Mason

5373 Merten Dr.
Mason, OH 45040

(513) 466-8400

Post-Acute Rehab

Jamestowne Inpatient & Outpatient Therapy

1371 Main St
Hamilton, OH 45013

(513) 785-4800

Home Health

Colonial at Home

(513) 889-2461

Bridges Rehab at Home

(513) 332-0081

Mental Health & Addiction Services

Community Behavioral Health

820 S. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd
Hamilton, OH 45011

(513) 887-8500

Foundations Counseling

1900 Fairgrove Ave (Rt. 4)
Hamilton, OH 45011

(513) 785-4895


Community First Pharmacy

1026 Main St
Hamilton, OH 45013

(513) 645-5447

Wellness & Recreation

Elements at The Bever – Westover

855 Stahlheber Rd
Hamilton, OH 45013

(513) 896-8087

Elements at The Square – Berkeley

100 Berkeley Dr
Hamilton, OH 45013

(513) 896-8087

Senior Resources

Elderly Services Program

1900 Fairgrove Ave
Hamilton, OH 45011

(513) 868-9281

Meals on Wheels

(513) 867-6222

Independent Living Assistance

(513) 867-6222

The Fleet

(513) 867-9195